Software Paradise

Ansys Zemax OPTICSTUDIO 2022 r2.01

Zemax OpticStudio and Ansys Zemax OpticsBuilder, to design and simulate an end-to-end optical system.

Ansys Zemax OpticStudio 2022 R2.01 contains the following fixes and enhancements.

Feature Enhancements

  • Project Directories – support was added for: DLL\PhysicalOptics (.DLL) files and Objects\Sources\Radiant Source Model Files (.RSMX) files.

Bug Fixes

  • Q-Type Asphere surface – Fixed an issue with the Scale Lens tool incorrectly scaling the Q-Type Asphere Norm Radius.
  • Image Simulation, Geometric Bitmap Image Analysis, Geometric Image Analysis – Added warning messages to three analyses (Image Simulation, Geometric Bitmap Image Analysis, and Geometric Image Analysis) for situations where the Field Type is not Object Height.
  • Reverse Elements tool – Fixed an issue with the Reverse Elements tool failing to reposition the Stop at the correct surface.
  • Export to Speos Lens System tool – Fixed an issue with the Export to Speos Lens System tool, incorrectly reporting high divergence values.
  • Coordinate Break surface – Fixed an issue where pickup solves that, point to the thickness of a mirror surface would return 0.
  • Export to Speos Lens System Tool – Fixed an issue where the Export to Speos Lens System tool would crash OpticStudio if the file name of a Black Box file exceeded 32 characters.
  • Non-Sequential Component Editor – Fixed an issue where the Diffraction section of the Object Properties wasn’t grayed out for the Rectangular Volume object.

Zemax OpticStudio Optics and photonics leader LightPath needed a better way of managing the complexities of its designs for aspheric lenses, which can be very expensive to machine. To ensure their aspheric lens designs were production ready, LightPath used OpticStudio to apply local and global optimization, Hammer Optimization (which helps seek out design solutions outside the local space), and Contrast Optimization to refine the designs for peak optical performance before manufacturing. By reducing the number of costly prototypes, LightPath saved time and money and helped more rapidly generate viable, marketable products. Optimization toolsets in OpticStudio empowered the LightPath teams to focus on quality, performance, and workflow automation while getting to market faster through predictive manufacturability.

Product: Ansys Zemax OPTICSTUDIO 2022 r2.01
Version:2022 r2.01
Supported Architectures: x64
Language: english、Multilingual
Supported Operating Systems:Windows 7even or newer
Size: 1DVD