Software Paradise

Geneious Prime 2023.2_Bioinformatics Software

Geneious Prime is a bioinformatics software platform that is both ultra-powerful and easy to use. Scientists, researchers and students are able to search, organize, and analyze genomic and protein information via a single desktop program that provides publication ready images to enhance the impact of your research.

Geneious Prime makes bioinformatics accessible by transforming raw data into visualizations that make sequence analysis intuitive and user-friendly.

Sanger Sequencing Analysis

Simple sequence assembly and easy editing of contigs. Automatic annotation for gene prediction, motifs, translation, and variant calling.

Genotype microsatellite traces with automated ladder fitting and peak calling and generate tables of alleles.

Next Generation Sequencing Analysis

Beautiful visualizations of annotated genomes and assemblies displayed in a highly customizable sequence view.

Powerful SNP variants analysis, simple RNA-Seq expression analysis and amplicon metagenomics.

Molecular Biology

Simulate molecular cloning in one step including Gateway, Golden Gate and In-Fusion cloning.

Design and test PCR and sequencing primers and create your own searchable primer database.

Powerful CRISPR tools make it easy to find sites, design guide RNAs and analyze your editing results

Product: Geneious Prime 2023.2
Supported Architectures: x64
Language: english
Supported Operating Systems:Windows 7even or newer/mac
Size: 1CD