Software Paradise

OpendTect 3.2.1

is our pleasure to announce the release of OpendTect v3.2.1.
This is a major new release with many interesting new capabilities and new plugins. Highlights in OpendTect base:

Faults and attributes on faults
Pre-stack visualization
3D Bodies and Polygons
Madagascar processing flow builder (Madagascar installation required)

Time-depth conversion (recursive attributes)
Quick iso-chron maps

Histograms and amplitude spectra

Improvements for random lines, cross-plots, scaling and colors, horizon interpolation, data sub-selections, stratal amplitudes and much more.
There are two new commercial plugins supported in v3.2.1:

Common Contour Binning (CCB; based on Wintershall technology)
Multi-Point Stochastic Inversion (MPSI; by Earthworks / Ark cls).
Furthermore, there are major improvements in some existing plugins:

SSIS: new interpretation module and new event-driven chrono-stratigraphy algorithm
Neural Networks: Quick UVQ
Dip-Steering: Event steering algorithm.